Session Two

Psychological First Aid for Children & Caregivers

Presenters: Katherine Tek and Ann Davis

CEU: 2

Psychological First Aid (PFA) is a set of skills that help others process and address their emotional needs. Participants learned practical interventions to apply and calm distressed children or adults. Also, participants learned when and how to provide resources and referrals for further support to children and families.

See FULL presentation here.

Helpful Resources: Informative Handout | Identifying Stress in Children Handout | Presentation Slides

Racial Equity in Behavioral Health

Presenters: Rashaad Abdur-Rahman

CEU: 2

What does it mean to pursue racial equity? This session shared understanding of concepts and focus on organizational change process. Listen to concrete examples of organizational and systemic racial equity efforts. Learn about leadership integration and the role of supervisors in acknowledging the trauma of experiencing and witnessing racism. Participants gained multiple resources to support change efforts.

See FULL presentation here.

Rethinking Child Welfare in Kentucky: Prevention, Partnership, and Engagement of Families

Presenters: Christa Bell and Valerie Frost

CEU: 2

Imagine a world where no child had to experience the trauma of parental separation. In this session, the presenters guide participants through the journey currently underway to transform a child welfare system into a child and family wellbeing system, providing clear examples of how this rethinking of our system is in stark contrast to the child welfare system of yesterday.

See FULL presentation here.